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Location: Denbighshire, United Kingdom

After deciding to resign from the Civil Service after 25 years, I am now free to pursue my dream of writing. My first book '194 Radio City - The Heart of Liverpool' was published through Lulu in April 2006, and is available from good bookshops and internet suppliers. If you have difficulty getting a copy, please contact me.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Google Book Search

My book has just appeared on Google Book Search, and it looks pretty good. Except, unfortunately, for the front cover which has not downloaded properly - I must get them to correct that. The back cover is clearer than any copy I've yet seen on the web. For those of you unfamiliar with Google Book Search it is like browsing around a virtual bookstore. You put in an author's name or a book title, and it comes up with hits (books) which you can then look inside. Only certain pages are allowed for everyone to see, some you have to sign in for and some you are not allowed to access at all. There are also links to bookshops that sell the book direct from Google's page. There is a clever little 'search in this book' box too where you could put in a name, say for example, Johnny Jason, and it will list all the pages he appears on. Very clever! I didn't bother registering for a while as I wondered whether this would be any good, and of course I thought having chunks of my book available to read on the web might be counter-productive, but really it's no different to popping into W H Smiths and leafing through a book. And I have to say, it certainly looks very impressive.


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