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Location: Denbighshire, United Kingdom

After deciding to resign from the Civil Service after 25 years, I am now free to pursue my dream of writing. My first book '194 Radio City - The Heart of Liverpool' was published through Lulu in April 2006, and is available from good bookshops and internet suppliers. If you have difficulty getting a copy, please contact me.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Its Gone Global at Last!

Finally, despite a few hiccups along the way, my book is finally available through all the normal channels. Global Distribution, as I've said before, means that anyone can order '194 Radio City - The Heart of Liverpool' from any bookshop anywhere in the world, and it is also available to buy through Amazon, and all other major internet sellers. This will make my job of promoting it so much easier, as up until now, I have had to provide all the bookshops who have agreed to stock it with copies from my own shipments. It also means that the books, instead of being printed in the States as they have been, will be printed by LSI in Great Britain, so delivery times should be much quicker.

Have been working on press releases all week, both my own and joint ones with 'Scouse Power' who are the 5 Liverpool Lulu writers I mentioned in previous posts. I will let you know what comes of this.

If you didn't get to hear Gillian Reynolds' interview on Phil Easton's show on Tuesday, I can tell you it was great. As well as plugs for where to buy the book and wonderful comments about its content and style (thank you very much!), the book's subject matter was expanded into a very interesting chat from Gillian and Phil about their memories of Radio City then and now, how radio in general has changed, how Liverpool has changed and what will come out of Capital of Culture 2008.


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