The observant 194 blog viewers amongst you will have spotted that I have now added a links section to which I'm slowly adding various sites/pages that may be of interest. The only reason I haven't done this earlier is because, well, I didn't know how to do it! But thanks to some patient tutoring from David Clensy (thank you!), I've now mastered the art - so there'll be no stopping me fiddling around with the blog now. (I'd like to say here that David has written a book about Liverpool's very own Williamson Tunnels called "The Mole of Edge Hill". It is published through Lulu and is available both via their website and also on Amazon, and is an excellent read.)
Most of the links are self-explanatory, but I should add that those of you who are curious to know the subject matter of my next book shouldn't feel too pleased with yourselves when you spot the mention of Liverpool clubs at the end of Daily Post article. Although I may write about the club scene in future, it is not going to be in my next book!
Most of the links are self-explanatory, but I should add that those of you who are curious to know the subject matter of my next book shouldn't feel too pleased with yourselves when you spot the mention of Liverpool clubs at the end of Daily Post article. Although I may write about the club scene in future, it is not going to be in my next book!
First, a great book, quickly followed by the best online blog/diary/personal site I've seen. Excellent.
John Haines
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