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Location: Denbighshire, United Kingdom

After deciding to resign from the Civil Service after 25 years, I am now free to pursue my dream of writing. My first book '194 Radio City - The Heart of Liverpool' was published through Lulu in April 2006, and is available from good bookshops and internet suppliers. If you have difficulty getting a copy, please contact me.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hello Again

OK I am aware that I haven't posted on here for ages and ages but have been so busy with different things. Sorry!

Unfortunately there won't be a new edition of the 194 book - at least not with updates on the City story. After a lot of soul-searching I decided that the book is best left as it is. I can't really improve on it because it is my story and also the story of those who were involved in the early days of Radio City. I don't really feel that anything further can be added that would improve it. Maybe you disagree, but if anyone else wants to have a go at their own history of the station, then please feel free!

I may update the acknowledgements and dedication (I would like to do something special for Sharron) and I may update the Postscript, but that is all.

Watch this space for more news. I promise not to leave it too long before I post on here again!

By the way, you can still buy the book from, Amazon, Borders etc if you haven't already bought a copy. It is available on Lulu as both a paperback and a download.


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